Tuesday, May 24, 2011

For Daddy :)

We were in Cochrane pretty much all day and the kids had so much fun! Their friends Henry, George and Lilli were there for our run this morning (we went twice!) so that made it all the more fun. :) When I saw that the play place had huge slides I didn't think Caden would do it because he is usually too afraid. But today he showed no fear and wanted Daddy to see how brave he was! :) Cayleigh isn't scared of anything... ;)

The kids were so good today. We had supper at Frank and Louise's house and after supper Caden said thank you to them. Cayleigh went to Louise next and said, "Thank you for having me!". And then little Liana toddled over to Louise, looked her straight in the eyes and said, "Thanks!". Louise and I melted! Liana nuzzled her and blew her kisses. That was a proud Mommy moment. Just because they are small doesn't mean they don't watch and understand. It was so sweet!

And I had to throw in a cute little video of sweet Liana for Daddy. She has learned to nod yes and no. ;) I really cannot thank God enough for my precious family. They are a gift from Him and I thank Him for them. Love you and miss you, Jeff. Praying for you. :)

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