Oh what a night last night was. I'm yawning as I'm typing this... I should be folding the laundry and preparing supper while Caden and Cayleigh are asleep, but my energy is next to none at the moment so blogging is the best I can do. Last night Cayleigh only got up once, ate, and went right back to seep. But Caden got up at 11:00, 1:00, 1:30, 2:30... I think you get the picture. Jeff and I think he fell out of bed and bumped his knee, but we also think he played up his "injury" quite a bit. He ended up in our bed because we were too tired to keep getting up. And he never sleeps in our bed so he didn't have a good sleep there either (nor did we). We notice our little angel is getting a little more manipulative... Tonight WILL be better- I guarantee it. ;)
It is a gorgeous day here- or atleast it looks that way. Once my little ones wake up (I took pictures of them sleeping- they look so peaceful you can't help but smile) I hope to go out for a walk. Hmm, maybe I'll go to the Macs and get a coffee or something. Or Starbucks... ;) I don't really drink coffee but I will today. Yesterday Jeff worked all day and then he had a meeting with the Pastor and elders of our church so he was gone pretty much all day. We were both tired by the end of the day, and after last night we are exhausted. And tonight when Jeff gets home he's going to work on the basement. So no nap for me or Jeff. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger I guess. :) If all goes as planned our basement will be done by March. We have someone coming next week to work on it too and that makes me happy. I can't wait to have twice the amount of space in here. And Caden's room will be in the basement so Jeff and I won't fall for his tricks. :) He's excited to go down there and I know he'll love a playroom and all the extra space. Hopefully we can stay on schedule and get it done. We'll see...
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