1 & 2. Story time with Daddy. Caden insists on holding Cayleigh now and she loves it. It is so cute watching the two of them. Cayleigh looks like she's following right along as Jeff reads, doesn't she?!. I just love my babies! :)
3. Daddy and his baby girl. Cayleigh is on bottles now ( we couldn't go any longer on no sleep) and she is doing great. It's like night and day. Before she was up every 2 hours to eat (sometimes more frequently than that) and now she is just up once in the night and has two good naps a day. Jeff likes to be more involved too. He's a great Dad.
4. Our brave boy during a thunder storm. Caden used to like thunder but now he's terrified of it (as well as bugs and the drain in the tub). A few days ago it was thundering out and Caden was SO scared. He was holding on to me so tight and would not let go. I just had to take a picture. ;)
5, 6 & 7. Caden has started carrying poor Willow all around the house. The poor cat. Whenever he's on the couch he goes and gets Willow and drags her along with him and makes her sit with him...
8. Caden and Cayleigh's Great Grandma came over for a visit with Grammie Jones last week while Grampie Jones and Jeff worked on the basement. The drywall is almost all up- hopefully by the end of this week. It's a big space so it's taken longer than we thought, but it's looking good down there. We are very grateful to our family (especially Grampie) who have been working so hard to help us get it done. Even Grammie Jones was helping, as well as Uncle Matt and Uncle Stephen. Thanks, guys! :)
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