I am just waiting for Caden to wake up so I can take him outside for the afternoon. We FINALLY have nice weather!
Jeff and I are just getting ready to start packing. We still haven't heard exactly when we can move into our new home, but it should be soon. We thought it would be the beginning of June but now it looks like it'll be the end of June at the earliest. We are thankful that we sold our place so quickly, even though we have to be out in 2 weeks time without our new home ready. :) It'll be a little hard on Caden moving from one place to the next, but once we are all settled I'm sure it'll be worth it.
Not much else is new here. Baby Jones #2 is doing just fine. He or she is a little stubborn and wouldn't let us find out if he/she is a boy or a girl, but we hope to try again in a few weeks. I have to go back for another ultrasound because the baby was on his/her tummy the entire time and they couldn't get all the measurements they needed. I'm not looking forward to drinking all that water again, but I am looking forward to finding out if we're having a boy or a girl. I'll be sure to keep everyone updated. :)
Caden is amazing us more and more every day. He is a good little counter and can count to 5 when he wants to. :) And he knows a lot of the alphabet. Daddy took him to Dairy Queen today for a Father/son day and Caden had so much fun! It was nice when he came home because he called "Mommy!" and ran right into my arms. We just love him! He's been prone to a few more tantrums lately but if we keep him fed, rested, and busy he's usually just fine! *smiles* He's also getting more attached to people- he LOVES his uncles and it is so cute seeing him walk over to Uncle Matt, say hi and crawl up on his lap. My little baby is growing up too fast. :(
I guess that's all I'll write for now. I hope you are all well and Jeff, Caden and I hope to see those of you who are far away sometime soon... :)