Saturday, November 8, 2008

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

Jeff, Caden, Cayleigh and I all went Christmas shopping today and it was a lot of fun (the top 2 pictures were taken before we left). The stores are crazy already, though. Over the past few weeks we've finished shopping for my family, and hopfully we'll have all our shopping done by next weekend.

Caden and Cayleigh are doing great. Caden is sleeping and napping well again and we are so happy for that! Tonight he's going to have a sleepover at Grammie and Grampie's house- hopefully he'll sleep well there. ;) He's getting smarter by the day and he's starting to love his little sister. Twice I have caught him trying to pick her up... He gives her kisses and every time we go somewhere he says, "Cayleigh come too!".

And Cayleigh is getting bigger and a little more awake every day. :) She loves to eat and sleep... But last night she went 6 hours without eating and then 3 hours after that, so we got a great sleep. Right now she is sleeping on Daddy. We just love her- she is adorable.

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