Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Richard Dawkins' Worst Nightmare

From the mouth of the eminent atheist Richard Dawkins:

"Innocent children are being saddled with demonstrable falsehoods," he says. "It's time to question the abuse of childhood innocence with superstitious ideas of hellfire and damnation. Isn't it weird the way we automatically label a tiny child with its parents' religion?"

Now, them's fightin' words. As Bugs Bunny used to say, "This means war."

Behold, my response:

Maybe he'll see it himself. Maybe it'll keep him up at night...

"Pray without ceasing." 1 Thessalonians 5:17

(You can tell what Jeff writes and what I write. :) We pray with Caden before meals and at bedtime... He prays during those times, when he sings, and now when he is on the toilet. He loves to pray. Sometimes Mommy gets a little annoyed with the hundredth "AMEN!" of the day, but that's probably not a good thing. Children love repetition, that's for sure! You should watch this, Meredith: we have another Gerald in the family... ERIN :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"This means war."

Of course. Religion has been warring against science for centuries. Ignorance against intelligence. Superstition against knowledge of the real world.