Wednesday, October 8, 2008

More Pictures :)

I am signed in under Jeff but it's me writing this post. :) Jeff and I have been quite busy the past few days. On Saturday night Cayleigh slept beautifully (only waking to eat) but Caden was up about 4 times. Then on Sunday Caden slept great and Cayleigh not so much. But Monday night was the worst. Caden slept fine, but Cayleigh screamed ALL night. We didn't know what was wrong. She wouldn't eat, and wouldn't even take a bottle. It was awful. But it turns out she wasn't used to me having milk and was just showing us her temper... Jeff says she gets it from me. ;) So with a little help from the Public Health Nurse all is well and last night I woke Cayleigh to feed her and she would go back to bed every time without a peep. I want to say she is an easy baby but I think I'll give it a bit more time *smiles*. All she does right now is eat and sleep. She's adorable, and Caden is warming to her. He's especially having fun with all the people coming over to help. They take him out to the park and for walks and he has a great time. And I am starting to feel better each day so I am thankful for that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think she looks like your baby pictures! She looks more like you than Caden did