Well, we are all getting excited for Christmas. :) Caden is excited to bake a cake in 2 days for Jesus' birthday- we're going to do that on Christmas Eve. We've been trying to teach him the true meaning of Christmas and he's catching on. It's amazing how much he can understand. He'll say, "Jesus make sun. Jesus make moon. Jesus make trees. Jesus make Daddy's coffee!". So he sort of gets it... *smiles* He's also very excited to open his presents- he thinks he's getting trucks and "Grampie's trailer". There might be a truck or two under the tree, but no trailer. Sorry, Caden. ;)
I can't get over how quickly both Caden and Cayleigh are growing. Cayleigh smiles all the time and is getting chubbier by the day. We call her our little blowfish- poor little thing. One day I'm sure her cheeks are going to explode! ;) She has giggled on atleast 3 occasions and both Jeff and I love hearing that sweet sound. Caden is talking more and more and says the cutest things. On Saturday Grammie and Grampie Jones watched Caden and Cayleigh while Jeff and I went to Mike and Kim's Christmas party, and when we were taking Caden back home he said, "Love you, Grammie". It was so cute! And the next night when Grammie and Grampie watched Caden (we had Jeff's work party) he said "Love you, Sadie (their dog). Love you, tree (their plant). And on the way out he shouted, "LOVE YOU, GRAMMIE!". Caden is a special little boy and Cayleigh is a special little girl- atleast Mommy thinks so anyway. :)
So we hope you all have a great Christmas! I'll try my best to put up the pictures from Christmas day as soon as I can for you, Mom, because I know you'll be waiting. :) Bye for now!
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