Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Potty Training- Here We Come!

To put this lightly- Caden does NOT like potty training. He pleads for a diaper and, from what I hear, his Daddy was the same way. Wonderful... When I was at the mall yesterday I changed Cayleigh and then Caden said he needed to be changed. So I picked him up and tried to put him on the change table but he was too big. Some other Moms in the room asked me how old Caden was because they thought he was too big to still be in diapers. He is almost 27 months- he just turned 2 in September. But he's big so everyone thinks he's older than he is. But the fact that he knows when he goes in his diaper tells me that he can go on the potty if we work at it more. He's gone a few times in the past but he's not consistent.

Well, he did go today and that made me happy. I would have been happier if it didn't take 1 hour, 3 cups of juice, running the tap, putting his hands in warm water which he spilled all over, and a crying spell because he was hurting from holding it... And once he did go his diaper was immediately soaked again. Oh Caden. He did get a chocolate for going and I told him how proud I was. He had no luck going before his nap so we'll try again when he gets up. We'll see... I know he has to be ready and all kids are different. But I think he'll be able to do it. :)

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