Yesterday Caden's teething was terrible! Atleast I think it was his teething. He also has a cold and a bad cough and he fell yesterday. He was playing with some of his toys while he was standing and he fell and hit his chin on the desk he was playing on. He also hit is cheek and has a big red scratch and a bruise. I felt terrible, but I guess I can't protect him from everything. He is at a tough age. He wouldn't nap after he hurt himself (he just wanted Mommy) and he was so irritable. I went to the mall with Tarena for the afternoon and Caden was fussy and grouchy for some of the time. I had never seen him that bad. And last night he woke up at 10:30 screaming. I was already in bed and Jeff stayed up for a bit to read and to keep an eye on Caden because he was coughing really bad. Just before Jeff went to bed Caden woke up screaming and he wouldn't stop. I think he was hot and just didn't feel well. We changed his pj's and put him in our bed for about 5 minutes and he scrunched up next to me and fell right to sleep. Then I put him back to bed and he was OK for the rest of the night. Today he has been great. I hope the worst is over. Our friend, Kate, is coming over tonight for supper so I am hoping Caden will be happy and not fussy like he was yesterday. I think he'll be good. I am going to go take him for a walk now... :)
The first picture I put up was from last night. The other 2 are from today... He is much happier and I think he feels much better.
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