Today has not been the greatest day when it comes to little Caden Joshua. I thought he has had tantrums before today, but I was very wrong. Today he DEFINITELY had a tantrum, and it was way worse than the ones his Mommy used to throw! I'm serious, Meredith, and I know- I deserve it! :)
Last night at 11:00 was actually when it all started. Caden decided that he wanted to get up and watch Baby Einstein. We said no, and it all went downhill from there. Caden was flailing his arms, stomping his feet, SCREAMING, hitting, kicking. You name it, he did it. And we tried to put him down and he was crying and crying. I felt bad because he has been sick, and his nose was running and you could hear the scratchiness of his sore throat. So I thought I'd lay him between Jeff and I so he would settle. Well, when I put him in our bed he saw this lamp on our dresser that we let him play with (it has all sorts of colours and zaps your fingers when you touch it without shocking you), and he wanted it. He pointed and did his "Mm?" sound that means "I would like to have that". I said he couldn't have it, and the kicking, screaming, hitting, etc. began. And to top it all off, he threw Morty (his elephant) at me. I was so mad. Back to bed he went and he screamed and screamed and screamed. He did that 3 times last night. It was awful.
This morning was the same thing. He wanted out of his crib so I went in to get him out. He pointed at something and said "Mm?". I had no idea what he wanted, so I picked him up thinking he'd be happy to see Mommy and get out of his crib. Well, he started kicking and flailing and screaming when I picked him up. He had a 15 minute-long tantrum. And then tonight he wanted something that we said he couldn't have and he did the same thing- this time for atleast 30 minutes, half of which was during a time-out. His Grammie Aleta heard it all over the phone. It is her birthday and I had hoped Caden would have talked to her (he can say quite a few words now) instead of screamed. Poor Caden is asleep and we are not getting him up tonight if he cries. He is staying with his Grammie and Grampie Jones tomorrow night because Jeff and I are going to Banff. I am excited but I feel sorry for Grammie and Grampie! *smiles*
I put up 2 pictures of Caden talking nicley to Daddy yesterday. And then I put up 2 pictures that I took tonight during a tantrum. Let's just say our little guy did not go to bed happy... ;) He is in his diaper because he wouldn't let us put his PJ's on. He was too busy kicking and screaming. He was in a time-out, and Jeff eventually did get his PJ's on. Daddy is a no-nonsense type of guy! :)
1 comment:
Sounds like Caden is teething his 18 month molars. We had the same experience with our last child some 40 years ago. Me,the dumb mom didn't think of that until the last tears of the day were shed. Poor baby!
A friend of Kristin
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