Well, today was a fun day. We went to a play group this morning and Caden had fun. He did his ever-so-popular screeching noise when he was playing with balls and he made one baby cry! But all is well! There are some cute pictures of him playing and sucking everything in sight.
We gave Caden his first sippy cup today, or atleast tried to. Caden either chewed it or sucked the bottom. He isn't quite smart enough yet to know how to use it. :) But Mommy and Daddy are very proud none the less!
We went to the pool today too and we were there for 1 hour. It was a lot of fun. The pool there is great for babies, and we even had a hot tub soak (briefly b/c it is really hot and we don't want to overheat Caden) until Daddy cut his knee while in the hot tub and we had to leave. But he's OK. :) And don't mind the bathing suit shots... Yes, I know they aren't the most flattering photos... :)
So right now we are trying to get Caden to go to bed. Bedtime is not my favourite time. Caden wants to be rocked to sleep and he is getting too big to be carried. So we have to let him cry a bit. But every day gets easier...
I also put up a few pictures of Felix (our crazy cat that anyone can have if they want him!) playing in Caden's toys. He stayed in the exersaucer for over 1 hour licking himself!!!
It's 8:40 and Caden is asleep!!! We let him cry a bit but I was in his room and was humming to his CD and that comforted him enough that he could go to sleep. I hope it's a good night. Last night he was up until Jeff and I went to bed and he woke up at 2:00 for a sip of a bottle... We'll see how tonight goes. :)